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Privacy Policy

The Pakistan Draw Platform collects Personal Data from its Users.

Legal information
This privacy statement has been prepared based on provisions of multiple legislations, including Art. 13/14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).

This Privacy Policy relates solely to the Pakistan Draw Platform, if not stated otherwise within this document.

Latest update: 4th October 2022

Definitions and Interpretation

In this Privacy Policy:

  1. All capitalised words and expressions used shall have the following meanings; and
  2. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and, in the plural, shall include the singular.

Cookies / Identifiers

Portions of code are placed on a User’s device in order to identify them.

Cookie Policy

The Pakistan Draw Cookie Policy, a copy of which can be found on either the Pakistan Draw Website or Mobile App.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data, including the security measures concerning the operation and use of this Platform. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the Owner of this Platform.

Data Processing / Processing

The methods used to collect and Process a User’s Personal Data on the Platform and the processes used which govern the integrity of the Data Processing.

Data Processor (or Data Supervisor)

The natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller, as described in this Privacy Policy.

Data Subject

The natural or legal person to whom the Personal Data belongs to.

European Union (or EU)

Unless otherwise specified, all references made within this document to the European Union include all current member states to the European Union and the European Economic Area.


Pakistan Draw LLC, a Limited Liability Company incorporated in the UAE.

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information that directly, indirectly, or in connection with other information, such as a username or password that allows the identification or identifiability of a natural person.

Platform or Mobile App

The Pakistan Draw Website and Mobile App and its associated content which collects and processes a User’s Personal Data.

Privacy Policy

This document which outlines how the Platform collects, processes and retains a User’s Personal Data.


The Service provided by the Platform as described in the Terms which can be found on either the Pakistan Draw Website or Mobile App.

Usage Data

Information collected automatically through this Platform (or third party services employed by this Platform), which can include:

the IP addresses or domain names of the computers utilised by the Users who use this Platform;

· the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the time of the request;

· the method utilised to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response;

· the numerical code indicating the status of the server’s answer (successful outcome, error, etc.);

· the country of origin, the features of the browser and the operating system utilised by the User;

· the various time details per visit (e.g., the time spent on each page within the Application);

· the details about the path followed within the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited;

other parameters about the device operating system and/or the User’s IT environment.

User (You or Your)

The individual using this Platform who, unless otherwise specified, is considered the Data Subject.


Pakistan Draw’s internet Website (or such other address as may be advised from time to time).


Types of Data collected

Among the types of Personal Data that this Platform collects, by itself or through third parties, this can be broadly categorised as email address, Usage Data, first name, last name, telephone number, Cookies, unique device identifiers for advertising (Google Advertiser ID or IDFA, for example) and geographic position.

Complete details on each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this Privacy Policy or by specific explanation texts displayed prior to the Data collection.

Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using the Platform. Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by the Platform is mandatory. Failure to provide this Data may make it impossible for the Platform to provide its Services. In cases where the Platform specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service. Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact the Owner.

Any use of Cookies, or of any other tracking tools, by this Platform or by the owners of third-party services used by this Platform, serves the purpose of providing the Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy.

Users are responsible for any third-party Personal Data obtained, published, or shared through this Platform and confirm that they have the third party’s consent to provide the Data to the Owner.